Bank Details of Bashspirt, JSC
Account’s owner, company’s address | Bashspirt Joint Stock Company 97, Vetoshnikov St., Ufa, the Republic of Bashkortostan, 450078, Russia |
Full name of the bank | Branch of Bank URALSIB, Public Joint Stock Company, in the city of Ufa |
Short name of the bank | Branch of Bank URALSIB, PJSC, in Ufa |
Bank’s address | 450000, the Republic of Bahkortostan, Ufa, 41, Revolutsionnaya St. |
Correspondent account | 30101810600000000770 |
Current Account | 40702810800820001520 |
RRC | 027401001 |
TIN | 0276100884 |
BIC | 048073770 |
PSRN | 1060274031322 |
Payment name | Expenses for issuing document copies upon a request of (_), VAT incl. |
The details are published with regards to the Decree on Disclosure by Issuers of Emission Securities. The Decree was confirmed by the Order of FFMS No. 06-117/ пз-н dated 10.10.2006.